Problem Solving
For every problem there is a solution.
Problem Solving empowers you to find solutions and make better decisions for the opportunities and challenges you face, regardless of their type, size or complexity.
The ability to problem-solve in a structured, independent and creative way is one of the most important core skills for the modern leader and professional.
Principles, methods and tools
Our Problem Solving programs provide the full set of methods and tools to define, structure, prioritize, analyze and solve any problem, and to communicate the solution with clarity and impact.
Our approach is similar to how the global top-tier management consulting firms work. It does not only lead to better solutions and decisions faster, but also to higher personal efficiency and a shared language around problem solving.
Among the principles covered in our programs are:
Formulating SMART problem statements and problem definitions
Building issue trees using the MECE principle
Applying the 80/20 principle for structured prioritization
Using hypothesis-based analysis and data processing
The programs in Problem Solving typically consist of:
2 to 3 days of class-based training to learn and practice the methods and tools
Follow-up sessions of individual coaching on own cases or business problems, to immediately convert the learning to actual skills and value-creation
The programs are available both for individual sign-up at our “open programs”, and for tailor-made “in-house programs” to suit the specific needs of your organization.
The programs can be delivered both in-person and online.
Client delivery
Inquire about Problem Solving
To learn more or start a dialogue about our training, coaching and advisory programs in Problem Solving, please reach out to us via the form below. We will get back to you within 24 hours.